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About us:

This page was created to give tribute to Magdalena Gamayo's contribution in Philippine Art and Culture. Namnama is an Ilocano word that means "Hope". The Ilocos' Inabel is an important masterpiece that needs to be preserved. The contributors of this website believe that the hope to preserve our culture is through the next generation. 


Jaymie Pangilinan, Web Editor and Designer

She is the main editor of this website and the one who named it. Also, she is the head of the page design. 

"Most of the museums during this day are close due to pandemic, I'm grateful that I was able to create a virtual exhibit that showcase the talent of one of our GAMABA artists. Weaving is a beautiful art that should be preserved, Magdalena Gamayo is such a good inspiration for the next generation weavers."


Janessa Gatungay, Editor and Researcher

She edited the virtual exhibit in artscape. She also contributed in researching Magdalena Gamayo's background.  

"Working on artstep it was confusing at first since the website is not that flexible with its interface. However, after a few trial and errors I got a hold of it creating a virtual exhibit for Magdalena Gamayo."

Janielle Nave, Social Media Sharer and Researcher

She is one of the researchers of Magdalena Gamayo's artwork. Also, assigned in posting and sharing the website in social media. 

"Researching about Magdalena Gamayo was quite an eye opener as it made me see and appreciate art in the form of weaving. We often distinguish art in painting more than textile and in cloth. So this virtual museum made me realize that the Philippines has many creative artists that showcase their talents through weaving."


Zarina Adraque, Researcher

She is one of the researchers of Magdalena Gamayo's artworks and awards received. 

"As I know Magdalena Gamayo. I was more impress with her talent. I can see how much she loves what she does.In the age of 96 years old Magdalena is known as to be a master of weaver not only of traditional Ilocano textile but also design and new patterns. She awarded also as a best known for weaving the sinan-sabong since it its the most challenging pattern among the textile."

Alyanna Marie Ponce, Researcher

She is one of the researchers of Magdalena Gamayo's artwork and background.

"While I was researching about Magdalena Gamayo, I found out how much she loved what she was doing. many were amazed at her because she was very good at weaving and she was awarded as a best known filipino weaver, also at the age 16 She taught herself on how to execute the traditional patterns."


Kyla Rogador, Researcher

She is one of the researchers of Magdalena Gamayo's artworks. She also contributed in naming the website.

"While researching Magdalena Gamayo, I realized that many Filipino artists are very creative and talented that we Filipinos should be proud of, and Magdalena is one of them. Weaving is a challenging task because weavers, such as Magdalena Gamayo, allocate time and effort in producing weave products, but I can see how passionate she is about weaving."

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